What is your deliverable, exactly?
The deliverable is a complete garden plan in pdf format. It contains drawings, mood boards, planting diagrams and plant sources you need to either build your garden on your own, or hand it over to a landscaper to build it for you.
If I hire a landscaper or builder, do you work as a project manager coordinating the job through to completion?
If you plan to hire a company to build and plant up your garden, connect us with them right away. We will build the plan with your builder in mind, using their resources – such as materials and plants – throughout the plan. We then hand over the plan, they project manage and see it through to completion. However, upon request and for an additional fee, we can do weekly site visits and consult the builder during the build. Just let us know what you prefer.
What if I can't find or afford the plants in the plan you provided me?
The plants in the plan are suggestions. Contact the sources and ask for help to find a similar variety. Also consider buying plugs and plant in early fall.
I want a no-maintenance garden. Can you do that?
If you want a garden, you will have to do some work. A garden is a living thing affected by other living things, weather, water availability and soil conditions. All living things require some maintenance. At the onset of a project, we do ask our clients to fill out a form where we collect information about your wants and needs. Here, there is an opportunity for you to consider what type of garden work you might be ok doing. From there, we do our best to adapt the plan to you.
Speaking of maintenance, can you create a plan for that too?
Check out our Resources. Here you will find all the information we love, for free, including general garden maintenance. However, for an additional fee, we can write up a specific seasonal maintenance plan for the plants in your custom plan.
I am a beginner gardener and I am worried that I will not be good at taking care of my garden once I build it. Where can I learn more?
There is a wealth of great pod casts out there. To get you started, check out Joe Lampl's informative site and pod cast. Also, check out our Resources.
Do you have a resume?
I have a question that I don't see answered here?
No problem – just reach out and ask away!

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